Entjik S. Djafar
Practitioners have more than 25 years of experince in banking, including: Bank Niaga, Jayabank International, Bank Artha Graha, Bank Bumiputera, Bank Kesawan.
Y.S. Widodo
Practitioners have more than 30 years experience in HR Development in leading companies in Indonesia, such as: LPT Caraka, Nandi Amerta Agung, ASTRA Group, Eternal Buana Chemical Indiustries, X-care Consultainment, Trust Management Consulting.
Dr. Rina Y. Asmara SE, Ak., MM, CA
Holder of a Doctoral majoring in Accounting sciences from Padjadjaran University. Core Management at the Indonesian Institute of Accountants for the Jakarta Region and also Lecturer and Researcher at Mercu Buana University, Jakarta.
Sapti M. Wahyudi
Practitioners have more than 25 years experience in Banking and Payment System, among others:
Bank Niaga, Bank Bukopin and Bank Danamon. Co Founder Yayasan Akar Rumpun Asia.
Josh E. Nurhidayatullah, SE. Ak, MM, CSA
Practitioner with more than 25 years experience in Banking and holder of the International Certification Program: Core Credit Skill (CCS) at the USA International Credit Certification Institute.

Serene F. T. Salameh
Educated in Australia and Indonesia, she grown up in a mix-culture & multilingual environment. She has taught at Government Institutes; DPR, BPMIGAS, Pertamina Holding, the Governor of Jakarta, Banking; BNI, Mandiri, Permata Bank & Bank Bali, Jakarta College, & in various other industries. Over the years she has developed a method where a bi-lingual teaching approach has a bigger impact on the participants and has been highly effective over the years.

Tiar Budi Hartaman
Data Analyst and Data Maker has worked for more than 20 years in the field of SCM and Planning in manufacturing companies both PMD and PMA. Has been involved in various global projects to improve work efficiency especially in data processing and reporting. Experience as an Excel trainer for 10 years.

Wikanto Panca Atmanto
Has experience working in national banking for more than 20 years, especially in the field of Credit Inspector, Credit Administration, Legal, and Risk Management
Wahyu Ariyanto
A treasury specialist and advisory consultant with more than 25 years experience both in proprietary trading and structuring products for customers.(Bank Tamara, Bank PDFCI Tbk., Bank Ekspor Indonesia, UFJ Indonesia Bank, UOB Indonesia Bank.
Jeklira Tampubolon
18 years experience as a tax consultant, Licensed Customs Court Attorney, Licensed Tax Court Attorney.
Hanif P. Harsawan, ST, MM, CIMP.
Certified Internet Marketing Practitioner EC Council Institute of iBusiness – USA Working experiences: Sales & Marketing Director of 4Life Indonesia. GM E-Commerce of Pasaraya Store. E-Commerce Head of Modena Indonesia. Avon Indonesia, Mercedes-Benz Indonesia, Mustika Ratu.
Kunia H. Anas
Practitioners have more than 25 years of banking experience in Bank CIMB Niaga.
Vanda Astowo
Was a seasoned banker with 30 years’ experience in the industry. She worked mostly in global Banks, with strong Cash Management product-range, like, Standard Chartered Bank, HSBC, DBS Indonesia.
Dra. Psi. Ani Wijaya, MM
Consultants and Trainers with educational backgrounds in the fields of Psychology and Management (International Marketing). In addition to the HR Management field, he has also been involved in the field of Marketing Development, Business Development, Service Quality Control. His last career was as an HR, GR & HSE Director at a foreign company.
M. Taufik Pane
Practitioners with more than 10 years experience in banking, among others: PT. Bank Panin, PT. Bank Mayapada, PT. Bank Victoria International, PT. Bank HSBC Indonesia.
Hilman Basuki
Over 25 years of experience in reputable banking industry & related with area of responsibility in marketing, business development, credit risk and business project development
Inrara Sakib
Practitioners have more than 27 years experience in the field of Payment and Processing, such as:
MasterCard Asia Pacific & Middle East region, BII Card Center and dAmerican Express Travel Related Services, Co-founder & creative director terima kasih kemBali and Yayasan Akar Rumpun Asia.
An experienced practitioner of more than 25 years in the field of Human Capital and HR.
Ersa Tri Wahyuni, PhD, CA.,CPMA.,CPSAK
Experienced more than 12 years as IFRS trainer and consultant to various companies in Indonesia. Accounting lecturer at Padjadjaran University and author of several books and articles on IFRS. His doctoral research is linked to the IFRS adoption process in 6 countries. Technical Director of IAI, IAI technical adviser and DSAK member.
Setio Dewanto
Practitioners have more than 20 years experience in banking, among others: Bank Industri, Tata Bank, Jayabank International,Bank Bumiputera,Bank International Indonesia.
Sasongko Mulyo
Practitioners with more than 25 years experience in banking, among others: Bank CIMB Niaga, Bank Victoria Syariah.
R. Wisnu Prio Pamungkas, SKom, MKom, CIPMP, ITIL, MPM, ICT-PM BNSP, SDC, SMC, SPOC, SCT, Asr, CIISA
Since 2012 as a Professional Trainer and Project Management certification, Business Analyst, Scrum Agile and Audit Information System and Microsoft Project application training tools for all industrial organizational units.

Dra (Psi) Mekarwati Fredtje, Aff.WM, CPC
28 years of experience in the banking world, especially in sales and marketing. He has received various national & international awards for his achievements, including the Best of the Best Preferred Area Head of the Bancassurance Annual Award, The Best Preferred Area Head of CIMB Niaga, The Best Regional Business Manager of the Bancassurance Annual Award, Top Regional Business Manager Preferred, Regional CEO Challenge CIMB Niaga, Top Performer Area Manager, etc.
Benjamin P. Simatupang
16 years experience in Tax Consulting, Licensed Tax Court Attorney, Indonesian Tax Brevet Certification.
Satriana Shanti
Practitioners have more than 20 years experience in Banking and Payment System, among others: Bank Universal dan Bank CIMB Niaga.
Epi Sepdiatmoko
Practitioners have more than 20 years experience in banking, such as: Bank Niaga, Bank PDFCI, Bank Bumiputera Indonesia, Bank Ekspor Indonesia.
Yosep Kardinal
Practitioners and Public Speakers with more than 25 years experience in Marketing in Banking Industry, Insurance and Training Institution.
Sri Dijan Tjahjati
Practitioners have more than 25 years experience in banking, among others: Bank Niaga and CIMBN Syariah.
Syaiful R. Soenaria, Ak, CA, CSRS, CMA
Expert (consultant, lecturer, analyst) in Strategic Management, Organization Design, Cost Management, Performance Measurement, Incentives Design, Environmental & Social Accounting.

Adhitantri Dinur
Was a seasoned Banker with more than 30 years’ experience in the industry. She worked mostly in the Global Banks (Korea Exchange, BNP Paribas Indonesia and DBS Indonesia) & has been assigned in various units (Operation, RM Corporate, Risk Management, Compliance & Strategy Planning).

Fathusururi, S.Kom.
Practitioners have more than 20 years experience in IT. University of Indonesia graduates who have produced desktop, web, cellular, and embedded device applications with various programming languages and database engines. Active as a trainer / instructor / instructor in many companies, banks and non-banks in the IT field.

Ujang Rusdianto, S.I.Kom, M.IKom.
Trainers who have competence in the field of communication skills including corporate communication, marketing communication and corporate social responsibility.